| Sector | abcBanking and Mutual Funds and Leasings | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Maharashtra - India | Ref.No | 72683969 | Closing Date | 22 - Jun - 2024 | | | Providing of Assets Insurance Service - Electronic Equipment Insurance; Property Damage Cover, Standard Fire Special Perils Cover, Storm, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood Inundation (STFI) Cover, MBD (Machinery breakdown) Cover, Earthquake Cover, Theft/Bu, Assets Insurance Service - All Risk Policy; Property Damage Cover, Standard Fire Special Perils Cover, Storm, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood Inundation (STFI) Cover, MBD (Machinery breakdown) Cover, Terrorism Cover, Earthquake Cover, Theft/, Liability Insurance Service - Indemnity insurance, Liability Insurance Service - Director Officer liability coverage, Motor Insurance Service - 4 Wheeler; 0 to 1000 cc, 1001 to 1500 CC, 1501 to 2500 CC, Above 2500 CC, Liability Insurance Service - CREDIT CARD, Liability Insurance Service - DEBIT CARD, Liability Insurance Service - COMMERCIAL GENRAL INSURANCE, Liability Insurance Service - LOCKER POLICY, Group Personal Accidental Insurance Service - Contract Employees; Only accidental death (not natural), Permanent total disability, Permanent partial disability, Temporary disabilities, Assets Insurance Service - STANDARD FIRE SPECIAL PERIL; Property Damage Cover, Standard Fire Special Perils Cover, Storm, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood Inundation (STFI) Cover, MBD (Machinery breakdown) Cover, Terrorism Cover, Earthqua, Assets Insurance Service - BURGLARY; Property Damage Cover, Standard Fire Special Perils Cover, Storm, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood Inundation (STFI) Cover, MBD (Machinery breakdown) Cover, Terrorism Cover, Earthquake Cover, Theft/Burglar Qty 112 |
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